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Price, SKU, Weight, Product Link

The price and sku modifications are available for the following field types:

  • Select
  • Radio Group
  • Checkbox Group
  • Gallery / Select Image

SKU Modification

Please add the {{sku SOME-TEXT}} to the option to add modification to the cart item.

sku modification

Price Modification

Please add the {{price +100}}, {{price -100}}, {{price +15%}} or {{price -15%}} to the option to modify the price of the cart item.

price modification

Weight Modification

Please add the {{weight +0.5}} or {{weight -0.5}} to the option to modify the weight of the cart item.

You can link options to products in your catalog. If the customer selects such option an additional product from the catalog will be added to the cart. The availability of the option is dependent on the availability of the linked product.

Please add the {{product_link SKU}} to the option.


You can the combination of all modifications at the same time.