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MageMe EasyQuote Magento 2 Module | Quotes

The EasyQuote module, accessible via the "Sales" tab in the Magento admin panel, is essential for handling customer quote requests. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to navigating and utilizing the "Quotes" section effectively.

Accessing Quotes

  1. Open the Sales tab in your Magento admin panel.
  2. Click on Quotes to view a comprehensive list of all quotes.

Overview of the Quotes Table

The main table in the "Quotes" section displays each quote with critical details and available actions:

  • Quote ID: Unique identifier for each quote.
  • Customer Name: Name of the customer requesting the quote.
  • Total Price: Total cost of the items quoted.
  • Status: Current state of the quote (e.g., Pending, Approved, Purchased).
  • Created At: Date and time the quote was created.
  • Actions: Quick actions such as "View", "Edit", or "Delete".

Detailed Quote Management

Selecting a quote entry or clicking "View" in the "Actions" column will take you to a detailed page where you can:

  • View All Details: Check all the information related to the quote, including product details, pricing, and customer information.
  • Edit Quote: Modify any aspect of the quote. This is useful for adjusting product quantities, prices, or updating customer details.

Key Functionalities on the Detailed Quote Page

  • Create New Quote: A button allows you to initiate a new quote for any customer directly.
  • Export to PDF: Convert the quote into a PDF document for easy sharing with customers or for documentation purposes.
  • Mass Actions: Useful for applying changes to several quotes at once, such as updating statuses or deleting multiple quotes simultaneously.

Special Quote Fields

Understanding and managing these specific fields can help tailor the quoting process to meet business needs and customer requests:

  • Expiry Date: Determines when the quote will expire. After this date, the quote is no longer valid unless marked as permanent.
  • Permanent: If set, this indicates that the quote can be purchased repeatedly until the expiry date. This is ideal for ongoing needs or contracts where the customer might reorder.
  • Quote Currency: Specify the currency used for the quote, essential for businesses operating in international markets.
  • Comments: A section for internal notes that are not visible to the customer but useful for internal tracking and communication.

Best Practices

  • Utilize Expiry Dates: Set appropriate expiry dates for quotes to manage customer expectations and help streamline the follow-up process.
  • Maintain Flexibility: Use the permanent option judiciously to provide flexibility to customers while maintaining control over the quoting process.
  • Currency Considerations: Always ensure the correct currency is selected to avoid confusion and provide clarity to customers, especially in international transactions.
  • Document Interactions: Use the comments section for noting any special considerations or internal notes that may help in future interactions with the customer or for internal audits.


By effectively managing the "Quotes" section within the EasyQuote module, businesses can streamline their quote processing, improve customer relations, and ensure accurate sales management. This guide aims to assist in maximizing the potential of the EasyQuote module, enhancing both the user experience and customer satisfaction.