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Before you install. Listed folders in your Magento directory should be writable:

app / code / community
app / design / adminhtml / default / default / layout
app / design / adminhtml / default / default / template
app / design / frontend / base / default / layout
app / design / frontend / base / default / template
app / etc / modules
app / locale / en_US
app / locale / en_US / template / email
skin / frontend / base / default

Since version 2, template files are located in base theme folder.


  1. Disable cache and compilation mode in backend. Otherwise you may get errors when you return back to admin page.

  2. Copy contents of "step_1" folder to your Magento directory.

  3. Copy contents of "step_2" folder to your Magento directory.

  4. If you modified web-forms templates for your theme, update them.

5.For Magento 1.4+: if you are upgrading from WebForms 1.x, please remove

app / design / frontend / default / default / template / webforms
app / design / frontend / default / default / layout / webforms.xml
skin / frontend / default / default / webforms
  1. Flush cache storage, recompile.

  2. Logout and login back to get access to Web-forms > Settings page.

  3. Go to Forms Settings page and enter your license number in "License #" field.

Web-forms Pro 2 is ready to use.


In order to use file upload function make sure media folder is writeable!

If you find this process difficult make sure you check Installation Service when you buy package or you can buy Installation Service separately.