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System Configuration

To access Forms Settings page select Web-forms / Settings in admin menu.



The following block holds information about current extension version and serial number.


Enter your license serial number in this field.


Ajax submission

Toggle silent forms submission without page reloading.

Use Magento translations

Use Magento translations to automatically translate forms in frontend.

Login redirect URL

Custom login redirect URL(Key) if user is not authorized. If customer tries to access page with Registered customers only set to "Yes" he will be redirected to the following CMS page.

Preview template

Select default template from the list for the form preview. All templates are available through widget settings as well when you place form on CMS page.

Preview Store View

Select default Store View for the form Preview function.

Customer area Web-forms block title

Set custom Web-forms sidebar block title in customer account area.


Default e-mail address for notifications

This address will be used by default to send you new results notifications. You can set multiple addresses comma-separated.

Reply-to e-mail address for customer

This address will be used in reply-to field in customer notification.

Send all e-mails from this address

In case you have problems receiving notifications this e-mail address should be set to your mailbox used for sending out system e-mails. It doesn't affect reply-to values(except Gmail web-interface which has issues with it).

Block e-mail addresses

Block specified e-mail addresses from submission.

Enable advanced e-mail address validation(experimental)

Validate Text / E-mail fields through SMTP connection to the mail server. It may slow down form submission process. This is experimental function, it may not work well on some systems.


Convert newlines to html tags

Convert newline characters to html tags when saving message.

Google reCAPTCHA v2

In order for reCaptcha to work you need valid public and private keys. You can obtain it here.


Following modes are supported:

  • Auto - captcha will be shown by default and hidden for logged in users.

  • Always on - captcha is always shown.

  • Off - captcha is not shown.


Set colour scheme for the captcha.

Public key

This one you should obtain from Google.

Private key

This one you should obtain from Google.

Honeypot CAPTCHA

Honeypot captcha uses special hidden field to trick spam bots. This feature can dramatically decrease spam submissions at no cost to customer comfort.


Enables honeypot captcha. Recommended to be turned on all the time

Results settings

Field name display length

Sets limits in field name length display in results grid. If your field name is too long it will stretch result column too much and here you can set maximum allowed width for column names. You can use field's Result label parameter for this purpose as well.


Upload limit

Maximum upload file size in kB.


Enable cache

Enable or disable the thumbnail cache.

Upload limit

Maximum upload file size in kB

Grid thumbnail width

Thumbnail width in results grid.

Grid thumbnail height

Thumbnail height in results grid.

E-mail thumbnail width

Thumbnail width in e-mail notifications.

E-mail thumbnail height

Thumbnail height in e-mail notifications.


Replace default Magento contacts page ( with the preferred web-form.


Please enable Asynchronous form loading if you are using pre-filled values.


Enables or disables custom contacts form. If disabled the default Magento contact form will be used.

Contacts web-form

Select web-form to replace default contacts page.


Select template for the contacts form.

Display form after submission

Don't hide form after successful submission.

Scroll to success message

Scroll to the top of success message after form submission.

Asynchronous form loading

Load form asynchronously with ajax request to fix full page caching issues.


Use accessible date picker

Enable accessible date picker for compatibility with screen readers.

Personal Data Handling (GDPR)

Purge data periodically

Automatically delete submissions.

Purge period (days)

Delete records older than specified period.

Purge customer data if account deleted

Purge all associated customer submissions if the account is deleted.

Collect and store IPs

Save IP addresses of your customers with the submission.