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Create Custom E-mail Templates

Follow these steps to create and set new e-mail template for your web-forms:

  1. Go to admin backend System > Transactional Emails

menu transaction emails

  1. Press Add New Template

  2. In the Load Default Template block select Web-form submission notification and press Load template.

  3. Default template will be loaded in Template Information block and now you can modify it.

email template edit screen

  1. Save modified template. Now go to Web-forms section and edit needed web-form.

  2. Go to Settings tab and select required e-mail template in Admin notification template field.

email settings tab

  1. Save web-form.

For customer notification e-mail template repeat all steps but in step 6 set Customer notification template instead.

WebForms e-mail template variables:

{{var webform_subject}} - Subject generated from selected fields

{{var webform_result}} - Default result presentation

Field variables

{{var}} - Field name

{{var result.field_code.result_label}} - Field result label

{{var result.field_code.value}} - Field value

Example: you have customer name input field with name "Type your name here", result label "Name" and code "fullname".

{{var result.fullname.result_label}} : {{var result.fullname.value}} - will print "Name : Andrew Belkin" in the notification letter.