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Migrate from WebForms M1


It's recommended to import Magento 1 data first before creating new forms in Magento 2 to avoid ID conflicts.

You can migrate forms from Magento 1 installation to Magento 2 quite easily. There are 2 options how you can do it:


The only way to copy all submission data is to copy database tables contents.

Migrate using phpMyAdmin

Please install WebForms in your Magento 2 first.

  1. After that, launch the phpMyAdmin application and select Magento 1 database.

  2. Press on the Export tab and select all webforms* tables.

  3. Click on the Go button at the bottom of the page and you should get the .sql file.

  4. Select your Magento 2 database and click on the Import tab.

  5. Choose the .sql file and uncheck the Enable foreign key checks option.

phpmyadmin import

  1. Press the Go button to import Magento 1 tables into Magento 2 database.

  2. Execute SSH command

php bin/magento webforms:migrate